Sunday, October 25, 2009

In Memory Of...

In honor of the upcoming Day of the Dead, I have written a poem that reflects upon the history of those who have made it possible for me to be here today.

This is in remembrance of those who came before us

The ones who paved the way

The ones who sacrificed

They were a hardworking people

Dedicated to their land

Loyal to their God

Devoted to their families

Our ancestors are products of Ometéotl

He formed them and brought them upon this earth

Tlaloc, Chicomecoatl, Tonatiuh, Huitzilopochtli

These were the gods that received their prayers, their hearts, their souls

This is in remembrance of those who came before us

The Spanish man who took the Indian woman in the field

And began a lineage that has lasted for more than 500 years

Had it not been for that forbidden moment

I would not exist

To those who endured a broken treaty

And were forced off their land

To a language that has been threatened for more than a century

A culture that has withstood humiliation and ridicule

Their offspring will bring them justice

Many have fled the land of Santa Anna

Escaping the corruption brought upon by greed

They have found refuge in the homeland of their ancestors

Aztlán has been summoning her children

Slowly they have answered her call

This is in remembrance of those who came before us

To the ones who gave life to our parents

To those who loved us even though blood did not unite us

Their imprint lives on in our hearts

Thus they live on!

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